"Let your light shine."
(Matthew 5:16)
Living and learning together in the light of God

  1. Church & Our Community
  2. Charities


Lady Elizabeth Hastings' Primary School is committed to supporting those who are less fortunate than us. We recognise the importance of living out the Christian Value of Service by helping those in need. Jesus said, "Love one another as I have loved you."(John 15 v12)

Our Local Charity-Martin House
 Martin House is a charity that provides hospice care for children and young people across West, North and East Yorkshire. It provides family-led care to children and young people with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses, either at the hospice or in families' own homes.Martin House relies almost entirely on voluntary donations and fundraising to provide care and support to 428 children and young people and 155 bereaved families across West, North and East Yorkshire.This year, we  collected contributions at our school Nativity performance from our parents and carers. In total, we raised £100.22 which we were delighted to present to Martin House.

Our Local  Charity

Martin HOuse  - Welly Walk - £1799

Our National Charities

British Legion - £81.63

The Rotary Shoebox Scheme - 41 boxes

Sport Relief - £1260

Young Minds Hello Yellow - £90.35

Cancer Research - £361.03

Children in Needs - £189.02

The Poppy Appeal is the Royal British Legion’s biggest fundraising campaign held every year in November, the period of Remembrance.Our main fundraising events during the Poppy Appeal are all about bringing our school community together by distributing poppies and inviting the children and their families to contribute to the British Legion which support organisations of ex-service men and help today's Service men and women, veterans, and their families. This year, LEH raised £81.63 for this important work.

The mission of Rotary Shoebox Scheme is to show God's love in a tangible way to children in need around the world, and together with the local church worldwide, to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.Each year in November, our LEH pupils and their families prepare a shoebox with gifts inside which the Rotary Club of Wetherby and Wharfedale deliver to children and families in Eastern Europe who live in very poor circumstances. This year, the president of the Rotary Club, Ian Vernon visited our school in Spring term to thank the children for their gifts and explain to the children all about the families who had benefited from the children's generosity.