"Let your light shine."
(Matthew 5:16)
Living and learning together in the light of God

  1. Key Information
  2. Vision

“Let your light shine” Matthew 5:16

Living and learning together in the
light of God

 Relationships lie at the heart of our school as we live and learn together in
the light of God. We want every member of our community to recognise
and develop their gifts so that they might let their light shine. We know
that together we shine more brightly.

We believe in academic excellence built on our inspiring curriculum that
enables every child to flourish both in school and beyond. We begin each
new day with the perseverance needed to enter the world together as
beacons of hope empowering others to shine in the light of God.

This vision is rooted in our Christian values of respect, compassion,
courage and friendship that are at the heart of our school.